Recommended DroidVPN Settings for users from India
Please select your ISP below to show the available settings. Different ISPs sometimes blocks certain ports on their network so a working port from another ISP will not work on your ISP that is why you need to use a proven working configuration for your ISP.
Listing all Internet Service Providers with a reported working configuration
ISP | Total settings found |
Airtel | 17337 settings found |
Vodafone IN | 3276 settings found |
AIRCEL | 2684 settings found |
!dea | 2674 settings found |
Reliance | 2127 settings found |
Idea | 1632 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO | 1519 settings found |
BSNL MOBILE | 1300 settings found |
Telenor | 962 settings found |
Uninor | 321 settings found |
IND airtel | 309 settings found |
Vodafone | 288 settings found |
CellOne | 177 settings found |
DOLPHIN | 169 settings found |
Airtel Delhi | 164 settings found |
Videocon | 115 settings found |
Airtel UP East | 111 settings found |
Airtel Rajasthan | 70 settings found |
Airtel U.P.(W) | 63 settings found |
RELIANCE 4G | 62 settings found |
T24 | 59 settings found |
Airtel - Uttar Pradesh (West) | 46 settings found |
Null | 44 settings found |
Hutch | 40 settings found |
BSNL 3G | 40 settings found |
Aircel Delhi | 34 settings found |
Airtel T.N. | 32 settings found |
Idea - Uttar Pradesh West | 32 settings found |
Reliance Delhi | 30 settings found |
Airtel Haryana | 30 settings found |
Airtel - Rajasthan | 30 settings found |
Virgin Mobile | 28 settings found |
IDEA Delhi | 26 settings found |
Airtel W.B. & A&N | 24 settings found |
Airtel Karnataka | 22 settings found |
Jio 4G | 20 settings found |
Aircel U.P. (E) | 19 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO Maharashtra | 19 settings found |
Airtel Tamilnadu | 16 settings found |
Cellone Kerala | 16 settings found |
Vodafone Rajasthan | 15 settings found |
Aircel Rajasthan | 14 settings found |
Vodafone Delhi | 14 settings found |
SPICE | 14 settings found |
Airtel J & K | 14 settings found |
Escorts Telecom | 14 settings found |
IDEA Rajasthan | 13 settings found |
Uninor U.P.(E) | 13 settings found |
Airtel Bihar | 13 settings found |
Verizon | 13 settings found |
Airtel A.P. | 13 settings found |
Vodafone U.P.(W) | 12 settings found |
Airtel - Haryana | 11 settings found |
Aircel T.N. | 11 settings found |
Reliance Mobile | 11 settings found |
IDEA U.P.(E) | 11 settings found |
Airtel Kerala | 11 settings found |
Airtel Gujrat | 11 settings found |
Vodafone T.N. | 10 settings found |
Airtel - Uttar Pradesh (East) | 10 settings found |
Airtel Orissa | 10 settings found |
Vodafone U.P.(E) | 10 settings found |
Cellone U.P.(W) | 9 settings found |
IDEA W.B. | 9 settings found |
MTS | 9 settings found |
Uninor U.P.(W) | 9 settings found |
Airtel Maharashtra | 9 settings found |
IDEA M.P. | 9 settings found |
Vodafone W.B. & A&N | 9 settings found |
Cellone Rajasthan | 8 settings found |
Airtel H.P. | 8 settings found |
IDEA Harayana | 8 settings found |
Airtel M.P. | 8 settings found |
Aircel - Delhi | 8 settings found |
Dolphin Delhi | 8 settings found |
Cellone U.P.(E) | 8 settings found |
Aircel Orissa | 8 settings found |
Airtel Chennai | 8 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO T.N. | 8 settings found |
Vodafone Mumbai | 8 settings found |
BSNL | 8 settings found |
405 810 | 7 settings found |
!DEA-H | 7 settings found |
Airtel - Jammu & Kashmir | 7 settings found |
Airtel Punjab | 7 settings found |
IDEA T.N. | 7 settings found |
Aircel J & K | 7 settings found |
Airtel - Punjab | 7 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO M.P. | 7 settings found |
Vodafone Karnataka | 7 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO Karnataka | 7 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO Haryana | 7 settings found |
Reliance U.P.(E) | 7 settings found |
Vodafone Bihar | 6 settings found |
Vodafone Haryana | 6 settings found |
Uninor Maharashtra | 6 settings found |
Idea - Rajasthan | 6 settings found |
Cellone Haryana | 6 settings found |
Vodafone Assam | 6 settings found |
IDEA U.P.(W) | 6 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO U.P.(W) | 6 settings found |
HTC | 6 settings found |
Reliance Gujarat | 6 settings found |
Airtel - Assam | 5 settings found |
IDEA Orissa | 5 settings found |
Reliance Rajasthan | 5 settings found |
Aircel Kolkata | 5 settings found |
Reliance Karnataka | 5 settings found |
Vodafone Gujrat | 5 settings found |
Uninor Bihar | 5 settings found |
40495 | 5 settings found |
Airtel Mumbai | 5 settings found |
405932 | 5 settings found |
Cellone Punjab | 5 settings found |
IDEA Kolkata | 5 settings found |
IN-DOLPHIN | 4 settings found |
BSNL Kerala | 4 settings found |
Airtel Madhya Pradesh | 4 settings found |
Vodafone - Uttar Pradesh (West) | 4 settings found |
Aircel W.B. & A&N | 4 settings found |
International | 4 settings found |
Reliance T.N. | 4 settings found |
VODAFONEIN | 4 settings found |
Idea - Maharashtra | 4 settings found |
INA AIRCEL | 4 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO Kerala | 4 settings found |
Cellone J & K | 4 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO U.P.(E) | 4 settings found |
Aircel Punjab | 3 settings found |
IDEA A.P. | 3 settings found |
Reliance U.P.(W) | 3 settings found |
Reliance Haryana | 3 settings found |
Vodafone A.P. | 3 settings found |
Reliance - Delhi | 3 settings found |
Airtel Assam | 3 settings found |
Reliance Orissa | 3 settings found |
Cellone Bihar | 3 settings found |
Airtel INA | 3 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO Punjab | 3 settings found |
Airtel - Himachal Pradesh | 3 settings found |
IDEA MP | 3 settings found |
Vodafone M.P. | 3 settings found |
Vodafone - West Bengal | 3 settings found |
IDEA Kerala | 3 settings found |
Uninor Gujarat | 3 settings found |
IN UNITECH | 3 settings found |
Vodafone Punjab | 3 settings found |
Vodafone Maharashtra | 3 settings found |
Cellone Karnataka | 3 settings found |
IDEA Gujrat | 3 settings found |
Aircel Bihar | 3 settings found |
404 91 | 3 settings found |
Jio | 3 settings found |
Vodafone Kerala | 3 settings found |
Escotel | 3 settings found |
Vodafone - Maharashtra | 2 settings found |
Aircel U.P. (W) | 2 settings found |
Reliance W.B. & A&N | 2 settings found |
TATA TELE | 2 settings found |
Cellone M.P. | 2 settings found |
Cellone Orissa | 2 settings found |
Idea - Himachal Pradesh | 2 settings found |
Reliance J & K | 2 settings found |
Airtel Kolkata | 2 settings found |
BSNL - Uttar Pradesh (East) | 2 settings found |
INA-Airtel | 2 settings found |
Bharti Cellular | 2 settings found |
40494 | 2 settings found |
Vodafone - Rajasthan | 2 settings found |
Spice Telecom - Punjab | 2 settings found |
BSNL Maharashtra & Goa | 2 settings found |
Idea Punjab | 2 settings found |
Vodafone Orissa | 2 settings found |
40464 | 2 settings found |
IDEA Maharashtra | 2 settings found |
Reliance - Rajasthan | 2 settings found |
Airtel Maharashtra & Goa | 2 settings found |
CellOne-BSNL MOBILE | 2 settings found |
Aircel - Uttar Pradesh (East) | 2 settings found |
TATA DOCOMO Orissa | 2 settings found |
BSNL - Jammu & Kashmir | 2 settings found |
Dishnet Wireless/Aircel | 2 settings found |
Idea - Tamilnadu | 2 settings found |
Airtel - Maharashtra | 2 settings found |
TATADOCOMO | 2 settings found |
Videocon Haryana | 1 setting found |
Cellone H.P. | 1 setting found |
BSNL - Karnataka | 1 setting found |
BSFL MBILE | 1 setting found |
BSNL - Punjab | 1 setting found |
Aircel Mumbai | 1 setting found |
BSNL - Andhra Pradesh | 1 setting found |
Unitech - Uttar Pradesh (West) | 1 setting found |
Idea - Kerala | 1 setting found |
405 811 | 1 setting found |
MTS, | 1 setting found |
Reliance A.P. | 1 setting found |
Uninor A.P. | 1 setting found |
BSNL - Tamilnadu | 1 setting found |
Vodafone - Jammu & Kashmir | 1 setting found |
Cellone W.B. | 1 setting found |
BSNL - Maharashtra | 1 setting found |
40506 | 1 setting found |
Reliance - Karnataka | 1 setting found |
IDEA Bihar | 1 setting found |
Airtel KE | 1 setting found |
Idea - Delhi | 1 setting found |
Cellone Maharashtra | 1 setting found |
40555 | 1 setting found |
AYRCEL | 1 setting found |
Vodafone Chennai | 1 setting found |
Aircel - Rajasthan | 1 setting found |
TATA Indicom | 1 setting found |
OASIS | 1 setting found |
Videocon Home | 1 setting found |
Cellone Assam | 1 setting found |
Airtel - West Bengal | 1 setting found |
Cellone T.N. | 1 setting found |
Tata - Madhya Pradesh | 1 setting found |
Tata - Gujarat | 1 setting found |
Aircel H.P. | 1 setting found |
MTS Swadesh | 1 setting found |
Omantel | 1 setting found |
Vodafone - Delhi | 1 setting found |
40410 | 1 setting found |
BSBL MBILE | 1 setting found |
IDEA J & K | 1 setting found |
Reliance - Haryana | 1 setting found |
405853 | 1 setting found |
Idea Karnataka | 1 setting found |
Aircel A.P. | 1 setting found |
Reliance H.P. | 1 setting found |
Spice Telecom - Karnataka | 1 setting found |
Bharti Airtel | 1 setting found |
405035 | 1 setting found |
BSNL - Rajasthan | 1 setting found |
Airtel N.E. | 1 setting found |
TATA DOCOMO Mumbai | 1 setting found |
Bharti Hexacom Ltd | 1 setting found |
TATA Cellular / Idea Cellular | 1 setting found |
Reliance - Mumbai | 1 setting found |
Cellone Gujrat | 1 setting found |
Cellone W.B | 1 setting found |
Reliance - Uttar Pradesh (East) | 1 setting found |
Vodafone - Karnataka | 1 setting found |
UNITECH | 1 setting found |
40419 | 1 setting found |
TATA Photon | 1 setting found |
I cannot find my country or network
Please be advised that if your country or network is not listed above it does'nt mean that DroidVPN will not work on your android device. You should try first to connect on our free server and DroidVPN will find the best settings for your internet service provider.