Where can I get the configuration file, certificate and key of DroidVPN?

Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 4:20 am

DroidVPN is not using OpenVPN/ L2TP / PPTP or IP SEC.

We are using our own proprietary VPN protocol which DOES NOT USE any config files, certificates or settings that you can manually enter on your phone. We decided to write our own VPN protocol since PPTP and L2TP works only using predefined port which in some occasions is blocked by your administrator. What separates DroidVPN from other VPN Applications is it can tunnel your traffic through ICMP(IP over ICMP). This means you can browse the internet even if you are only allowed to send ping requests and internet browsing is blocked on your firewall..

The only settings you can change is the options in the settings page of DroidVPN.

In short, you can only use our service using our own VPN client.